The Midnight Rose
Lavander Beds - Ward 25 - Plot 5A sanctuary/home for those who need one.As well as lodging for selected applicants
Our syncshell;
Password: mnightrose

Quick outline
A mature (and largely NSFW) roleplay based FC, a place to offer sanctuary for those who operate otuside the law. As well as a safe space for waring factions to settle their differences through diplomacy.situatuated in the Lavander Beds with a medium FC house. A place where those without apartments (or even those who have one but desire more personal space) can live and enjoy. The house offers an entertainment hall in the cellar, while a casual living area can be found on the main floor. The upper floor holds a comfortable dining hall and kitchen.For additional convenience, the house itself is situated right next to a marketboard, summoning bell and aether crystal. We also has access to the FC daily buffs if needed.
House Information
A hedonistic household in Gridania, a place where debauchery and pleasure are welcome. A safe space, free of shame and judgement. A sanctuary and meeting place for those to come together of a similar open mind in the pursuit of ideas and pleasures they can bring.While initially set up as a private estate the Matron of the household soon had other ideas. Seeking to have a place with few limitations to push limits and boundaries. A place where she could hide herself as a upstanding member of society. Thus the Midnight Rose was set up. The Rose is open to inviting like minded indiviuals, as well as those unable to find their own housing or apartments, to apply to lodge and make use of the house.The Midnight Rose may also have a shrouded rumor for those who walk the shaded life of the underworld, that it is a place of sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the law. It also may have a reputation as being a netural place where enemies can settle their differences with diplomacy and not violence.
House Rules
Guest/Lodger Information
- While guests are welcome to visit, only those who rent a room ((no real gil required)) have a key to unlock the door to allow guests to enter. The door is to remain locked at all times to prevent random people ((Trolls)) from entering.-No one is to enter another residents private room without permission. People are still allowed to have their own private chambers should they desire to.-While the main floor of the house is free for all to use.

If a room is marked ((Tagged)) with this icon, it means it is a free/public room for all to use. As such it does not require permission to enter.
OOC Rules/What we expect!
If you are into the more adult/mature/erotic themes. We currently in the search of like minded individuals for get togethers at the Midnight Rose. During such times there would be lewd themes, on going and nudity is pretty much mandatory for all (except thigh boots, thigh highs, heels and long sleeve gloves!). While guests are not forced to take part in things, they should be fully aware that such themes will be going on around them. Likewise; those enjoying such scenes must be aware that people are allowed to watch and rp around such scenes.Rules:
This may all seem elitist now, to which we apologise for. The whole reason for this FC is to have a place where the more traditional roleplayers can hang out with like minded people.1: No Lalafell. (Sorry-ish..but not sorry.)2: No OOC/IC Blending. You are separate from your character, your character is not you.3: Competent grammar. Capitals where they need to be, punctuation etc. You don't need to have perfect by any means. (I know I'm not perfect! xD). At least have a good effort.4: Third person perspective. To help keep rule 2. No using things like I take the drink from you. Instead it would be your character doing it. So Sara takes the drink from the bar tender.5: Obvious differences between actions and speech. All speech in "Here!" while actions are done otherwise in /em (though speech can also be used in this chat too) or with *6: No using character name tags to know a characters name. I see this happening a lot. Being greeted to some new RP venue and the greeter knowing my characters name despite having never met. Remember; your character doesn't have the information you do!7: No silly names/warriors of light/story characters (Thancred/Y'stola etc)8: No kink shaming/judgement. We all like different things. Not everyone is going to enjoy everything. However... Two key themes that are a flat out nope! underage and body waste.
House Screenshots
Back Rooms
Household Inhabitants
Click for images to character profiles (If they have them). These people also IC'ly have the house key (Having permission to lock and unlock house)
(FC Members)
People who rent a room at the Midnight Rose, choosing to use it as a primary or secondary home. Some even as a place of business. These people also have a key to the house. (FC Member permission to lock/unlock house to allow guests.)
Mare Syncshell
For those who use Mare synchronos, we have a syncshell to make it easier and more streamline to enjoy synced character looks for everyone who joins in rp at the house. If you would like to join it then feel free to ask.What is mare sync/syncshell? It is a very popular 3rd party plugin that allows a means to automatically upload your character mod files to someone you are synchronised with and their files are uploaded to you, without having to go through the hardship of picking out mods and using textools to manually load them. You don't even have to leave game.A SYNCHSELL is a group version of this, so that all who join it (given the code to join and password) are able to see the same thing, from dance animations to character looks/outfits. All without a hassle of adding each individual person to your mare list.What is needed to get mare setup?
Unfortunately this can be time consuming to setup as you will need multiple things, although they do load up through the same third part software.(1) Dalamud Launcher - Allows the use of 3rd party plugins to work with FF14
- The following are plugins installed via Dalamud launcher.-
(2) Penumbra
(3) Glamourer
(4) Mare SynchronosA google search can help you find your way. It is a bit time consuming to put a guide here, when there is some out there already.<3